I clean up not too bad hey? Less than 3 days and I’ll be 6months clean! (April 27, 2023) 

If I can pull my head outta my *!@# and work through my !@*#% and heal my traumas, ANYONE can! 

If u know me u know where I’ve been, and where I am now. 

I realized that true happiness doesn’t come from what I have or get, for me it comes from what I can give and who I can help! 

Loving others is the only true lasting happiness I’ve ever known! 

When people are happy to see me my heart leaps with joy. 

I work at the homeless shelter and when a client approaches me outside work to say hi because ive affected them in a way that they feel safe coming to say hi, I nearly cry. 

I’ve been there, so for them to approach me as a friend, is huge! 

I want people to see recovery is real and possible, and we all play a part in it! 

I want to be an example of why we CANNOT give up on our addicted or homeless people! 

Circumstance can destroy lives in an instant, but with a little love and the right timing TOGETHER we can overcome anything! 

Our addicted are some of the most loving compassionate understanding and intelligent people u will ever meet. 

This place called me here to heal, I think Lillooet has designated itself a magical place of healing, growth, and love. Lillooet you saved my life, thank you!